making the world
better with brownies
We’re not being cocky when we say it, but we’re pretty sure we make the best brownies in the World. In fact, we’re willing to bet you can’t eat just one of these scrumptious, gooey, delicious treats. They’re multi-award-winning, baked individually by hand, using only the best possible ingredients in our dedicated kitchen at our very own Brownie Barn. In fact, there’s so much love in our brownies, there’s plenty for you to send to friends and family. Add in a personalised note and the world really will feel like a better place.

everyone needs some
brownie to love...
We love making the most fabulous brownies around, and we love how they make people smile, every day. Chocolate and smiles: that’s what gets us up in the morning.
We live in the gorgeous Yorkshire Dales: all rugged hills, thick woods and purple heather. It’s lovely. Chantal, our founder, started the business that was built upon her desire to make people smile - taking the utmost pride in baking delicious brownies and packaging them in beautiful boxes with handwritten notes. And so, Love Brownies was born.

“I’m not really a businesswoman – I just love having the opportunity to make people smile. That’s what matters.”

meet chantal - brownie maker genius
Ask anyone and they’ll tell you Chantal is passionate about food. Every recipe she creates is hand crafted and tweaked until perfection is reached. We all know you can’t hurry genius!
And when perfection means each brownie must have a firm outer and the same beautiful ingredients inside, it happens. So, we dispensed with traybakes (who wants the lopsided corner piece or a middle bit without any flavour?) and started to bake our brownies in their own individual tins. Each one emerges from the oven with the perfect amount of crisp to the outer and the exact amount of filling to optimise the flavour. Now only a brownie genius would think of that.
And because Chantal’s view is that a gift of food is one of the few things you can always offer with pride and accept with pleasure, our gift packaging is top notch too. Wrapped in greaseproof paper, nestled inside a colourful gift box with a handwritten message, you can guarantee our brownies will bring a smile.
Want to see where the magic happens?
Slap bang in the Yorkshire Dales National Park nestled at the bottom of Simon’s Seat is our timber, Brownie Barn. It’s come a long way since it was a cattle shed. Now it’s not only our production facility (the smell of brownie’s baking is very hard to resist), but also a café serving home cooked breakfasts and lunches. With a roaring fire inside and a large patio outside its worth a visit whatever the weather.