The pure joy of chocolate
We all know that lockdown is absolutely necessary and is helping to save lives. But there is no denying that it is making life tough for many people for a variety of reasons.
As always, when faced with huge challenges, the kindness of the human spirit is there to see each and every day. So many people are putting their lives at risk to help others that it is a stark reminder of what really matters, and what we may have taken for granted.
Whilst we can’t change the world or cure this virus with our chocolate brownies, we know that being able to buy and send gifts is extremely important to lots of people out there who just want to brighten someone’s day. This continues to motivate our small team of brownie chefs to work long, long hours getting these treats from our door to yours, spreading a little much-needed joy.
Those of us at Love Brownies who aren’t much use in the kitchen (that’ll be me for one!) are doing what we can to support our amazing chefs and let them know just what an impact their hard work is having. The pure joy of chocolate.
We regularly read the lovely comments we receive from customers and take heart from the messages we hand write on our gift labels. From loving parents missing grown-up children to thoughtful friends and relatives feeling for those losing loved ones, postponing weddings or working day after day on the frontline. And not forgetting employers wanting to let colleagues on furlough know that their well-being is important. There truly is an abundance of kindness out there.
Just knowing that our brownies can help to let people know that they are cared for reminds us of the simplicity that motivated our founder and head chef to start this business over ten years ago: MAKING PEOPLE SMILE.
Here’s to another ten years of smiles.
Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.